Tanglewood Research Evaluation (TRE)


The Tanglewood Research Evaluation, specifically the Commitment to Not Use Drugs Scale, is a measurement tool developed to assess an individual’s commitment to abstaining from substance use, including marijuana and alcohol. This scale serves an important role in substance use prevention programs by evaluating personal resolve and social declarations related to drug abstinence, which might ultimately influence behavior and choices regarding substance use.

Authors and Contact Email

Dr. Bill Hansen
Tanglewood Research Inc.
701 Albert Pick Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
[email protected]


The purpose of the Commitment to Not Use Drugs Scale is to measure the level of commitment an individual has towards avoiding the use of drugs and alcohol, thereby providing insight into their potential behavioral choices and peer influence.

Test Year


Administration Method and Scoring

Information not available

Reliability and Validity

Information not available

Factors and Subscales

Information not available


Substance use, Drug-free commitment, Alcohol avoidance, Smoking abstinence

Items of ‘Commitment to Not Use Drugs Scale’

1. I have made a final decision to stay away from marijuana.
2. I have decided that I will smoke cigarettes.
3. If I had the chance and knew I would not be caught, I would get drunk.
4. I plan to get drunk sometime in the next year.
5. I have made a promise to myself that I will not drink alcohol.
6. I have told at least one person that I do not intend to smoke.
7. It is clear to my friends that I am committed to living a drug-free life.
8. I have signed my name to a pledge saying that I will not use marijuana or drugs.

Strongly agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly disagree


Hansen, W.B., & McNeal, R.B. How D.A.R.E. works: An examination of program effects on mediating variables. Health Education & Behavior. 1997; 24(2): 165-176.
This instrument can be found on pages 79-81 of Core Measures Initiative Phase I Recommendations, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Available online at: http://vvv.dmhas.state.ct.us/sig/pdf/uconn/core_measures.pdf
For more information, visit https://scales.arabpsychology.com/s/tanglewood-research-evaluation/

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