Table of Contents
The Spouse Sobriety Influence Inventory (SSII) is a comprehensive tool designed to assess the influence that an individual’s spouse may have over their drinking behaviors. It aims to understand various interactions and strategies employed by spouses to encourage sobriety or manage drinking habits. The inventory covers a range of actions from providing educational resources about the effects of alcohol to more direct forms of intervention. Through this inventory, researchers and mental health professionals can gain insights into the dynamics of alcohol use within intimate relationships and the efforts made by partners to address drinking issues effectively.
Authors and Contact Email
Thomas, Yoshioka, & Ager, 1993
Email: [email protected]
The goal of the SSII is to measure the interventions and influences exerted by spouses of individuals who struggle with alcohol use. It assesses both supportive and controlling behaviors that may affect the drinker’s decision to consume alcohol.
Test Year
Administration Method and Scoring
Respondents are asked to indicate how often they have engaged in specific behaviors regarding the drinker during the past six months. The responses are rated on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents “Always” and 5 represents “Never.” The items are divided into two subscales: the Sobriety Support Scale (SSS) and the Drink Control Scale (DCS).
Reliability and Validity
Information not available.
Factors and Subscales
The inventory includes two subscales:
– Sobriety Support Scale (SSS): Items 13, 15, 16, 20, 28, 29, and 31.
– Drink Control Scale (DCS): All other items not included in the SSS.
Spouse influence, alcohol intervention, sobriety support, drinking behaviors, relationship dynamics.
Items of ‘Spouse Sobriety Influence Inventory (SSII)’
1. Given the drinker written information about the harmful effects of alcohol (e.g., pamphlets, books)?
2. Expressed disapproval of the drinking?
3. Asked the drinker to stop or reduce his/her drinking?
4. Reminded the drinker of the things he/she said or did when he/she was drunk or had been drinking?
5. Spoke to the drinker before he/she went out in order to get him/her to drink less or not at all in that situation?
6. Encouraged the drinker to enter an alcohol treatment program, seek medical assistance, or to attend an alcohol education program?
7. Sought professional help yourself about the drinking problem (e.g., went to a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, social worker, or clergy member)?
8. Hidden or threw out alcohol?
9. Hidden money or the checkbook or spent all the money so there was little left for alcohol?
10. Hit or tried to hurt the drinker physically to make him/her stop drinking?
11. Made a house rule that the drinker cannot drink in the house?
12. Tried to get the drinker to reduce his/her drinking while at a social function (e.g., a party, bar, or club) or to leave a social function before he/she became drunk?
13. Told the drinker that you enjoyed his/her company when he/she was not drinking?
14. Served meals at a different time to interrupt the drinker’s drinking?
15. Suggested or served the drinker non-alcoholic beverages instead of alcoholic beverages?
16. Suggested activities that do not involve alcohol?
17. Hidden valuables or household things so that the drinker could not pawn or sell them to buy alcohol?
18. Cut back on your own drinking to set a good example for the drinker?
19. Questioned the drinker regarding his/her whereabouts or how money was spent when you suspected that he/she had been drinking?
20. Praised the drinker for not drinking or for a reduction in drinking?
21. Tried to stop the drinker from drinking too much by creating a scene or by attempting to make him/her feel small or ridiculous in public?
22. Shown the drinker that his/her drinking is making you upset or ill?
23. Withheld information as punishment for the drinking?
24. Had arguments about problems related to the drinking?
25. Requested that you or someone else accompany the drinker as a means of controlling his/her drinking?
26. Avoided entertaining to prevent the opportunities to drink?
27. Prevented drinking friends from coming to the house?
28. Suggested that you eat in restaurants that do not serve alcohol?
29. Suggested social activities at which alcohol is not available?
30. Tried to stop the drinker from drinking too much by inviting friends or relatives in?
31. Tried to stop the drinker from drinking too much by getting him/her to engage in social activities with nondrinking companions?
32. Tried to stop the drinker from drinking too much by getting him/her to reduce the number of social activities with drinking companions?
33. Threatened to contact someone for help to try to stop him/her from drinking?
34. Asked his/her employer or supervisor to step in?
35. Checked his/her whereabouts to see if he/she was drinking?
36. Tried to reduce problems or stress for the drinker so that he/she would drink less?
37. Tried to stop him/her from drinking too much by actually getting drunk yourself?
38. Refused to talk to the drinker when he/she had been drinking?
39. Said that if the drinker loved you or the children he/she would stop drinking?
40. Told the drinker that the children would lose their respect for him/her because of the drinking?
41. Told the drinker that you were hurt by the drinking or by what he/she did when drinking?
42. Made sarcastic remarks about the drinking?
43. Refused to share the bed with the drinker when he/she was drunk or had been drinking?
44. Withheld sex or other forms of affection because of the drinker’s drinking?
45. Left home, even for part of a day, because of the drinking?
46. Threatened divorce or separation if the drinker did not stop drinking?
47. Demonstrated your strong feelings about his/her drinking by threatening to kill yourself?
48. Cried to reduce the drinker’s drinking?
49. Tried to get even because of the drinking?
50. Said that the drinker must leave or kept him/her out of the house because of his/her drinking?
51. Threatened the drinker about what you would do if he/she continued to drink?
52. Ignored the drinker to get back at him/her when he/she was drunk, had been drinking, or after a drinking episode?
Yoshioka, M.R., Thomas, E.J., & Ager, R.D. (1992). Nagging and other drinking control efforts of spouses of uncooperative alcohol abusers: assessment and modification. Journal of Substance Abuse, 4(3), 309-318.
Thomas, E. J., Yoshioka, M. R., & Ager, R. D. (1996). Spouse enabling of alcohol abuse: Conception, assessment and modification. Journal of Substance Abuse, 8, 61-80.
Corcoran, K., & Fischer, J. (2000). Measures for clinical practice: A sourcebook (Vol.1). New York, NY: The Free Press.
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