Southampton Nostalgia Scale (SNS)


The Southampton Nostalgia Scale, developed by Routledge, Arndt, Sedikides, and Wildschut in 2008, is a psychological instrument designed to measure the frequency and significance of nostalgic feelings and experiences among individuals. This scale captures the essence of how often and how intensely people experience nostalgia, which is an emotional state characterized by sentimental longing for the past. By assessing various aspects of nostalgia, the scale aims to provide insights into its role in personal identity and emotional well-being.

Authors and Contact Email

Routledge, Arndt, Sedikides, & Wildschut. Contact email: information not available.


The Southampton Nostalgia Scale is intended to explore and quantify the frequency and significance of nostalgic experiences, providing insight into how nostalgia influences personal identity and emotional health.

Test Year


Administration Method and Scoring

The scale consists of a series of questions rated on a Likert scale from 1 to 7, where respondents evaluate their nostalgia experiences. The higher the score, the more frequently or intensely the individual experiences nostalgia.

Reliability and Validity

Information not available.

Factors and Subscales

Information not available.


Nostalgia, emotional well-being, personal identity, psychological assessment, Southampton Nostalgia Scale

Items of Southampton Nostalgia Scale

1. How often do you experience nostalgia?
– 1: Very rarely to 7: Very frequently

2. How prone are you to feeling nostalgic?
– 1: Very rarely to 7: Very frequently

3. Generally speaking, how often do you bring to mind nostalgic experiences?
– 1: Very rarely to 7: Very frequently

4. Specifically, how often do you bring to mind nostalgic experiences?
– Options: At least once a day, Three to four times a week, Approximately twice a week, Approximately once a week, Once or twice a month, Once every couple of months, Once or twice a year.

5. How important is it for you to bring to mind nostalgic experiences?
– 1: Very rarely to 7: Very frequently


Southampton Nostalgia Scale

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