Table of Contents
The Readiness and Motivation to Quit Smoking Questionnaire (RMQ) is a psychometric tool designed to assess an individual’s readiness and motivation to reduce or quit smoking. This questionnaire comprises various items that evaluate different aspects of smoking behavior, including the individual’s thoughts about cutting down or quitting, their level of determination, and their confidence in their ability to change their smoking habits. By analyzing responses to the RMQ, health professionals can gain valuable insights into the smoking cessation motivations of individuals, which can inform tailored intervention strategies to support those seeking to quit smoking.
Authors and Contact Email
Crittenden K. S., Manfredi C., Lacey L., Warnecke R., Parsons J. Email information not available.
The purpose of the RMQ is to measure an individual’s readiness and motivation to quit smoking, identifying various predictors of cessation behavior that can be used for planning intervention strategies.
Test Year
The RMQ was developed in 1994.
Administration Method and Scoring
The administration method for the RMQ is self-report, where respondents provide answers to a series of questions regarding their smoking habits and motivation. Scoring is based on the participants’ responses, which can be categorized into distinct factors.
Reliability and Validity
Information not available.
Factors and Subscales
The RMQ includes the following factors and subscales:
– Change smoking behavior (Items 1, 5, 6, 9, and 10)
– Motivation to cut down (Items 2, 4, 7, and 11)
– Confidence (Items 3 and 8)
Smoking cessation, readiness to quit smoking, motivation, behavioral change, psychometric assessment.
Items of ‘Readiness and Motivation to Quit Smoking Questionnaire (RMQ)’
1. Are you seriously thinking of cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke? Yes, No
2. At present, how much do you want to cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke? Not at all, A little, Some, Very much
3. If you wanted to cut down now, how sure are you that you would be able to do it? Not at all sure, A little sure, somewhat sure, Very sure
4. How determined are you to cut down? Not at all determined, A little determined, Somewhat determined, Very determined
5. In the last year, did you ever on purpose quit smoking for at least 24 hours? Yes, No
6. Are you seriously thinking about quitting smoking? Yes, No
7. How much do you want to quit smoking? Not at all, A little, Some, Very much
8. If you decided to quit smoking completely, how sure are you that you would be able to do it? Not at all sure, A little sure, Somewhat sure, Very sure
9. Do you plan to quit smoking? Yes, No
10. If you plan to quit smoking, by when do you plan to quit? 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, More than 6 months
11. If you plan to quit smoking, how determined are you to quit? Not at all determined, A little determined, Somewhat determined, Very determined
1. Crittenden, Kathleen S., Manfredi, C., Lacey, L., Warnecke, R., Parsons, J. (1994). Measuring readiness and motivation to quit smoking among women in public health clinics. Addictive Behaviors, 19(5), 497-507.
2. Crittenden, Kathleen S., Manfredi, C., Lacey, L., Warnecke, R.B., Parsons, J., Cho, Y.I. (1998). Measuring readiness and motivation to quit smoking among women in public health clinics. Addictive Behaviors, 23(2), 191-199.
3. Crittenden, K. S., Flay, B. R., Warnecke, R.B. (1998). The Measure of Stage of Readiness to Change: Some Psychometric Considerations. Psychological Assessment, 10(2), 182-186.
4. Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. P., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Warnecke, R. B., Crittenden, K. S., & Flay, B. R. (1998). Estimating stability and reliability of stage of readiness to change in a self-help smoking intervention. (Tech. Rep. No. 98-1). Chicago: University of Illinois, Survey Research Laboratory.
5. Warnecke, R. B., Morera, O., Turner, L., et al. (2001). Changes in Self-Efficacy and Readiness for Smoking Cessation among Women with High School or Less Education. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42(1), 97-110.
6. This instrument can be found at:
7. Additional information can be found at: