National Household Survey on Drug Abuse and Age of First Use (NHSDA-AFU)


The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse/Age of First Use is a survey tool that collects critical data regarding the age at which individuals first engage in the use of various substances, including cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants. This instrument plays a significant role in understanding patterns of substance use initiation, which can inform prevention and intervention strategies aimed at reducing drug abuse and its associated harms in society.

Authors and Contact Email

Authors not specified; contact information is not available.


The purpose of this survey is to assess the age of first substance use, which is a key factor in understanding substance abuse trends and developing effective prevention programs.

Test Year


Administration Method and Scoring

The survey collects responses regarding the age at which individuals first used various substances. Respondents are instructed to indicate their age at first use or to report if they have never used the substance. Scoring is based on the age reported for each substance.

Reliability and Validity

Reliability and validity information not available.

Factors and Subscales

The survey does not specify any factors or subscales.


Substance use, age of first use, drug abuse, survey, prevention.

Items of National Household Survey on Drug Abuse/Age of First Use

1. How old were you the first time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?
– The first time I smoked a cigarette, I was _____ years old
– I have never smoked a cigarette in my life
2. How old were you the first time you had a drink of any alcoholic beverage? (Do not include sips from another person’s drink.)
– The first time I drank an alcoholic beverage, I was _____ years old
– I have never drunk an alcoholic beverage in my life
3. How old were you the first time you used marijuana or hashish?
– The first time I used marijuana or hashish, I was _____ years old
– I have never used marijuana or hashish in my life
4. How old were you the first time you used cocaine, in any form?
– The first time I used “crack,” I was _____ years old
– I have never used “crack” in my life
5. How old were you the first time you used heroin?
– The first time I used heroin, I was _____ years old
– I have never used heroin in my life
6. How old were you the first time you used LSD, PCP, or any other hallucinogen?
– The first time I used a hallucinogen, I was _____ years old
– I have never used any hallucinogen in my life
7. How old were you the first time you used any inhalant for kicks or to get high?
– The first time I used any inhalant for kicks or to get high, I was _____ years old
– I have never used any inhalant for kicks or to get high in my life


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (1999). Summary of Findings from the 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. Office of Applied Studies, DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 99-3328. Rockville, MD.

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