CMRS Scales for Substance Abuse Treatment (CMRS)

The CMRS Scales for Substance Abuse Treatment, developed by George DeLeon in 1993, serve as a valuable instrument in assessing various aspects influencing an individual’s readiness and motivation for substance abuse treatment. The CMRS framework is structured around three key components – Circumstances, Motivation, and Readiness – which collectively provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors impacting a client’s treatment journey. Each component encapsulates a range of questions designed to evaluate the individual’s mindset, external pressures, and self-assessments relating to their substance use and treatment needs. By utilizing the CMRS scales, practitioners can better identify the unique challenges and motivations their clients face, enhancing the effectiveness of treatment strategies and interventions tailored to individual situations. This structured approach not only assists in predicting client retention but also aids in formulating personalized treatment plans based on the nuanced understanding of each client’s specific circumstances and readiness to engage in recovery processes.


CMRS Scales for Substance Abuse Treatment (CMR) evaluate various factors influencing an individual’s decision to seek treatment, including circumstances, motivation, and readiness.

Authors and Contact Email

George DeLeon / Gerald Melnick. Center for Therapeutic Community Research (CTCR). 2 World Trade Center, 16th Fl. New York, NY 10048. Phone: 1 212 845 4400. Fax: 1 212 845 4698. E-mail: [email protected]


The scales aim to assess the circumstances, motivations, and readiness of individuals seeking substance abuse treatment to enhance understanding and improve retention in therapy.

Test Year


Administration Method and Scoring

Respondents indicate their level of agreement with each statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree or Disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree, and 9=Not Applicable. Reverse scoring is applied to questions 4, 5, 6, and 12.

Reliability and Validity

Information not available

Factors and Subscales

The scales comprise three main factors: Circumstances, Motivation, and Readiness, each containing specific items designed to evaluate different facets of treatment readiness.


substance abuse, treatment readiness, motivation for treatment, assessment scales, therapeutic communities, client retention

Items of CMRS Scales for Substance Abuse Treatment

1. I am sure that I would go to jail if I didn’t enter treatment.
2. I am sure that I would have come to treatment without the pressure of my legal involvement.
3. I am sure that my family will not let me live at home if I did not come to treatment.
4. I believe that my family/relationship will try to make me leave treatment after a few months.
5. I am worried that I will have serious money problems if I stay in treatment.
6. Basically, I feel I have too many outside problems that will prevent me from completing treatment (parents, spouse/relationship, children, loss of job, loss of income, loss of education, family problems, loss of home/place to live, etc.).
7. Basically, I feel that my drug use is a very serious problem in my life.
8. Often I don’t like myself because of my drug use.
9. Lately, I feel if I don’t change, my life will keep getting worse.
10. I really feel bad that my drug use and the way I’ve been living has hurt a lot of people.
11. It is more important to me than anything else that I stop using drugs.
12. I don’t really believe that I have to be in treatment to stop using drugs; I can stop anytime I want.
13. I came to this program because I really feel that I’m ready to deal with myself in treatment.
14. I’ll do whatever I have to do to get my life straightened out.
15. Basically, I don’t see any other choice for help at this time except some kind of treatment.
16. I don’t really think I can stop my drug use with the help of friends, family or religion; I really need some kind of treatment.
17. I am really tired of using drugs and want to change, but I know I can’t do it on my own.
18. I’m willing to enter treatment as soon as possible.


DeLeon, G., Melnick, G., Kressel, D., Jainchill, N. (1994). Circumstances, motivation, readiness and suitability (The CMRS Scales): Predicting retention in therapeutic community treatment. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 20(4), 495-515.

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