Table of Contents
The Alcohol and Cannabis Simultaneous Use Scale (ACSUS; Kolp et al., 2024) is a self-report inventory designed to assess the frequency, quantity, and associated problems with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use (SAM). The scale was developed using prior research on SAM use and adapted items from the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R), and other validated measures. The ACSUS was tested on a sample of U.S. college students who used both substances. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed a two-factor structure comprising 9 items: four measuring SAM use frequency and quantity, and five assessing related problems. The scale demonstrated reliability and validity in its psychometric evaluation. The total score can range from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating more simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use and related problems.
Authors and Contact Email
Kolp, Haley; Horvath, Sarah; Fite, Paula J.; Metrik, Jane; Stuart, Gregory L.; Lisdahl, Krista M.; Shorey, Ryan C. Correspondence Email: [email protected]
To measure the frequency, quantity, and related problems associated with simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use.
Test Year
Administration Method and Scoring
Administration Method: Electronic. Response options were coded from 0 to 4 for items 1 through 7. For items 8 and 9, responses were coded as 0 (Never), 2 (Yes, but not in the past 12 months), and 4 (Yes, in the past 12 months).
Reliability and Validity
Reliability: Internal Consistency: Total ACSUS (α = 0.70), Factor 1 (α = 0.68), Factor 2 (α = 0.69). Validity: Concurrent Validity: The ACSUS was significantly correlated with measures of alcohol and cannabis use (AUDIT, CUDIT-R), impulsivity (SUPPS-P), and motives for SAM use, supporting its validity.
Factors and Subscales
Factor 1: SAM use frequency and quantity (items 1–4). Factor 2: Problems associated with SAM use (items 5–9).
Alcohol Use; Cannabis Use; Simultaneous Drug Use; Use Frequency; Use Quantity; Associated Problems with Use
Items of Alcohol and Cannabis Simultaneous Use Scale (ACSUS)
(1) How often did you use both alcohol and marijuana on the same occasion during the past 12 months, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. Never (0) b. Monthly or Less (1) c. 2 to 4 times a month (2) d. 2 to 3 times a week (3) e. 4 or more times a week (4) |
(2) How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were using both alcohol and marijuana on the same occasion during the past 12 months, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. 1 or 2 (0) b. 3 or 4 (1) c. 5 or 6 (2) d. 7 to 9 (3) e. 10 or more (4) |
(3) How much marijuana did you use (in grams) on a typical day when you were using both alcohol and marijuana on the same occasion during the past 12 months, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. 0.125 grams or less (0) b. 0.25 grams (1) c. 0.50 grams (2) d. 0.75 grams (3) e. 1 gram or more (4) |
(4) How often did you have 4 (for women)/5 (for men) or more drinks on one occasion while also using marijuana on the same occasion during the past 12 months, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. Never (0) b. Less than monthly (1) c. Monthly (2) d. Weekly (3) e. Daily or almost daily (4) |
(5) How often during the past 12 months did you find that you were not able to stop drinking once you started when using both alcohol and marijuana on the same occasion, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. Never (0) b. Less than monthly (1) c. Monthly (2) d. Weekly (3) e. Daily or almost daily (4) |
(6) How often during the past 12 months did you find that you were not able to stop using marijuana once you started when using both alcohol and marijuana on the same occasion, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. Never (0) b. Less than monthly (1) c. Monthly (2) d. Weekly (3) e. Daily or almost daily (4) |
(7) How often during the past 12 months did you fail to do what was normally expected from you because of using both marijuana and alcohol on the same occasion, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. Never (0) b. Less than monthly (1) c. Monthly (2) d. Weekly (3) e. Daily or almost daily (4) |
(8) In the past 12 months, were you or someone else injured as a result of your using both marijuana and alcohol on the same occasion, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped? | a. No (0) b. Yes, but not in the last 12 months (2) c. Yes, during the last 12 months (4) |
(9) In the past 12 months, was a relative, friend, doctor, or other health worker concerned about you using both marijuana and alcohol on the same occasion, so that the effects of alcohol and marijuana overlapped, or suggested you cut down? | a. No (0) b. Yes, but not in the last 12 months (2) c. Yes, during the last 12 months (4) |