Problem Drinking Scale (CAGE)


The Problem Drinking Scale, commonly referred to as the CAGE questionnaire, is a widely utilized screening tool designed to identify individuals who may have issues with alcohol consumption. It comprises four straightforward questions intended to probe into a person’s drinking behavior and attitudes towards alcohol. The acronym CAGE stands for the key themes of the questions: Cutting down, Annoyance by criticism, Feelings of Guilt, and the need for an Eye-opener drink. Developed with the aim of enhancing early detection of potential alcohol problems, it is primarily employed in clinical settings, though it can also be used in various other environments where alcohol consumption may need to be assessed. The simplicity and directness of the questions make it an effective instrument for both healthcare professionals and individuals seeking to understand their drinking habits better.

Authors and Contact Email

Ewing, J.A. (1984). Bill Renn, MSW, CCSW, CSAC, CCS, Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1-888-457-7457. Email: [email protected]


The purpose of the CAGE questionnaire is to screen for excessive drinking and potential alcohol use disorders, facilitating early identification to promote intervention and support.

Test Year


Administration Method and Scoring

The CAGE questionnaire can be administered verbally or in a written format. Respondents answer the four questions with a simple “Yes” or “No.” Each “Yes” response is scored as 1 point, while each “No” response scores 0 points. A total score of 2 or higher suggests a potential problem with alcohol.

Reliability and Validity

The CAGE questionnaire has demonstrated good reliability and validity in various populations. The specificity and sensitivity rates for identifying problem drinkers are generally high, making it a trusted tool in clinical practice.

Factors and Subscales

Information not available.


CAGE, alcohol screening, problem drinking, alcohol use disorder, assessment tool.

Items of ‘Problem Drinking Scale (CAGE)’

1. Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
– 1. Yes
– 0. No

2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
– 1. Yes
– 0. No

3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
– 1. Yes
– 0. No

4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (eye opener)?
– 1. Yes
– 0. No


Ewing, J.A. (1984). Detecting alcoholism: the CAGE questionnaire. Journal of the American Medical Association, 252, 1905-1907, 1984. The CAGE questionnaire can be found at

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