Behaviors and Attitudes Drinking and Driving Scale (BADDS)


The Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale (BADDS) is a comprehensive assessment tool consisting of 43 items designed to evaluate individuals’ attitudes and behaviors related to drinking and driving. This scale is strategically developed to serve as a diagnostic instrument to identify risky behaviors and attitudes toward drinking and driving, aiding in the assessment of the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs. The BADDS is a paper-and-pencil questionnaire that can be utilized in both individual and group settings, making it a flexible option for various contexts. It is tailored for adults aged 18 and older from diverse backgrounds who have a minimum reading grade level of 3.1. Taking approximately 10 minutes to complete, the BADDS is characterized not only by its ease of administration but also by its potential for dynamic pretest and posttest evaluations, allowing practitioners to measure changes in attitudes and behaviors over time. Through its detailed scoring system and subscales, the BADDS offers valuable insights that can inform clinical practices, educational programs, and public health interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of drinking and driving.


The Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale (BADDS) is a 43-item questionnaire that can be administered individually or in a group setting. The BADDS helps identify risky attitudes and behaviors related to drinking and driving and assesses the effectiveness of prevention and intervention programs. The test has five subscales: Rationalizations for Drinking and Driving (RD), Lenient Attitudes toward Drinking and Driving (LA), Likelihood of Drinking and Driving (LD), Drinking and Driving Behaviors (DB), and Riding Behaviors with a Drinking Driver (RB). It is designed for individuals aged 18 or older from various racial and ethnic backgrounds who are fluent in English, and a reading grade level of at least 3.1 is required. The BADDS includes demographic data collection and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

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The BADDS aims to assess attitudes and behaviors related to drinking and driving, providing insights for evaluating the impact of clinical and educational interventions in this area.

Test Year

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Administration Method and Scoring

The BADDS is administered via a double-sided single sheet where test-takers record their responses. The RD, LA, and LD scales utilize a 5-point rating scale, while the DB and RB scales are derived from one question each, asking about the frequency of drinking and driving or riding with a drinking driver in the past month. Scoring is performed using a profile sheet that allows for comparison of pretest and posttest scores, with subscale scores categorized as low, moderate, or high.

Reliability and Validity

The BADDS exhibits internal consistency and test-retest reliability, as supported by cited references in its manual. Data indicate that nondrinkers scored lower on BADDS subscales, and significant differences were found between drinkers and nondrinkers regarding their perceptions of safe drinking and driving. Correlations have been established between BADDS scores and substance misuse tendencies, demonstrating the instrument’s validity in assessing drinking and driving-related behaviors.

Factors and Subscales

The BADDS is structured into five subscales:
– Rationalizations for Drinking and Driving (RD)
– Lenient Attitudes toward Drinking and Driving (LA)
– Likelihood of Drinking and Driving (LD)
– Drinking and Driving Behaviors (DB)
– Riding Behaviors with a Drinking Driver (RB)


Drinking, Driving, Attitudes, Behaviors, Assessment, Prevention, Intervention, Questionnaire.

Items of ‘Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale (BADDS)’

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For more information on the BADDS scale, please visit the following link:

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