Table of Contents
The Alcohol Reduction Intervention Interview Guide (Oldham et al., 2024) was developed to assess the acceptability of the Drink Less smartphone app (Garnett et al., 2019) and the National Health Service (NHS) alcohol advice web page (National Health Service, 2022). This tool was designed for a study involving adult drinkers in the United Kingdom as part of a randomized controlled trial. The guide includes 18 interview questions based on the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA; Sekhon, Cartwright, & Francis, 2017). No reliability or validity data were reported. It includes additional prompts and focuses strictly on user experiences with the digital support.
Authors and Contact Email
Oldham, Melissa; Dina, Larisa-Maria; Loebenberg, Gemma; Perski, Olga; Brown, Jamie; Angus, Colin; Beard, Emma; Burton, Robyn; Field, Matt; Greaves, Felix; Hickman, Matthew; Kaner, Eileen; Michie, Susan; Munafò, Marcus R.; Pizzo, Elena; Garnett, Claire. [email protected]
To evaluate the perceived acceptability of alcohol reduction interventions among users.
Test Year
Administration Method and Scoring
Interview. Participants provide open-ended responses during interviews lasting between 12 and 34 minutes. The guide consists of 18 questions with additional prompts and users are invited to rate their experiences on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
Reliability and Validity
Not indicated.
Factors and Subscales
Not conducted.
Theoretical Framework of Acceptability; Alcohol Reduction; Interventions; National Health Service Alcohol Advice Web Page; Drink Less Smartphone App.
Items of Alcohol Reduction Intervention Interview Guide
Items Regarding the Digital Support (Drink Less App/NHS Alcohol Advice Webpage)
- When you originally signed up to the iDEAS trial in [month], why did you decide to take part?
- Can you tell me about your experience of using the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage?
- In what situations did you use the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage and why?
- How would you rate the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? And can you tell me why?
- How much did you like the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage?
- Do you believe the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage was suited to your individual needs?
- Do you believe that using the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage helped you to drink less?
- Did you find the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage time-consuming?
- Did you have any other difficulties using it?
- Do you think anyone could use this app?
- Did using the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage interfere with anything else important to you?
- How confident were you about using the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage?
- Was it clear to you how to use the Drink Less app/NHS Alcohol advice webpage and how it worked?
- Do you have any other comments you would like to make?
Items Regarding the Trial Participation
- How did you find taking part in the wider trial?
- How would you rate taking part in the trial on a scale of 1 to 5 stars? And can you tell me why?
- Did the financial incentives encourage you to take part in the study?
- [If yes], to what extent did the financial incentives for the study encourage you to take part?
Oldham, M., Dina, L.-M., Loebenberg, G., Perski, O., Brown, J., Angus, C., Beard, E., Burton, R., Field, M., Greaves, F., Hickman, M., Kaner, E., Michie, S., Munafò, M. R., Pizzo, E., & Garnett, C. (2024). Evaluating the acceptability of the Drink Less app and the national health service alcohol advice web page: Qualitative interview process evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, Article e42319. https://doi.org/10.2196/42319
For more information, visit the scale’s page at https://scales.arabpsychology.com/s/alcohol-reduction-intervention-interview-guide/